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导读 Yet it breeds antipathies of the most pungent character between those who lay the emphasis differently. 然而,由于...

Yet it breeds antipathies of the most pungent character between those who lay the emphasis differently. 然而,由于个人的着重点不同,彼此之间就产生了许多非常尖锐的嫌恶感。

Do you feel any aversion to hard study? 你嫌恶努力学习吗? He greeted Marion with his voice pitched carefully to avoid either feigned enthusiasm or dislike. 他用既不伪装热情,又不表示嫌恶的谨慎语调问候马丽恩。

It was no secret that the two detested each other. 这两个人互相嫌恶,是人所共知的。

Why do you keck at our cookery? 你为何嫌恶我们的烹饪?。
