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pointed to什么意思(pointed是什么意思)

导读 意思很多,自己结合语境选择一个最贴切的吧 pointed adj. 尖角的, 敏锐的, 锐利的, 率直的, 突出的 pointed [5pCIntId] adj....

意思很多,自己结合语境选择一个最贴切的吧 pointed adj. 尖角的, 敏锐的, 锐利的, 率直的, 突出的 pointed [5pCIntId] adj. 尖的;尖角的 a pointed roof 尖屋顶 直接了当的;率直的 a pointed refuse 率直的拒绝 显著的,强烈的(表现) a pointed wit 锐敏的机智 pointed AHD:[poin“t¹d] D.J.:[6p%intid] K.K.:[6p%!nt!d] adj. Having an end coming to a point: 尖的一端形成尖头的: a pointed stick. 有尖头的棍子 Sharp; cutting: 尖锐的;刻薄的: a pointed critique. 尖锐的批判 Obviously directed at or making reference to a particular person or thing: 强烈的。

有针对性的显然是指向或关于某人或某事的: a pointed comment. 有针对性的评论 Clearly evident or conspicuous; marked: 显而易见的,明显的;显著的: a pointed lack of interest. 兴趣的明显缺乏 Characterized by the use of a pointed crown, as in Gothic architecture: 带尖顶的以使用尖顶为特征的,如在哥特式建筑中: a pointed arch. 尖形拱顶。
