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导读 感觉原文太中国化,试着改写一下。看行不行。Osteoporosis is a condition of low bone mass and microarchtectural disruption...



Osteoporosis is a condition of low bone mass and microarchtectural disruption that results in fratures with minimal trauma.Clinical features includ pain, height loss,fratures.Pain may be the first appearance .And fractures constitute the only clinically relevant consequence to having a fragile skeleton.Common sites of fragile-related fractures include vertebral bodies,the distal forearm,and the proximal femur,but since the skeletons of patients with osteoporosis are diffusely fragile,other sites,such as ribs and long bones,also fratureswith high frequency.Vertebral compressiong fractures are the most common fragile-related fratures.Pain sufficient to require medical attention occures in approximately one-third of vertebral fractures,the majority being deteceted only as height loss or spinal deformity(kyphosis)occurs.Severe spinal deformity may cause respiratory dysfunction.PreventionCalsium supplementation is essentian in tne prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.All ages include those in childhood and adolescence should increase dietary calsium.Bone mass measurement is required every year for middle aged person.Fall prevention and education are important for osteoporosis.Clsium supplements and vitamin D are benefitial for patients with osteoporosis.。
